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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

AIR program - progress 2

Catching the moments - A collection of unique choices and styles.

AIR program - progress 1

Came home last night feeling amazingly content.  This is worth writing.

The AIR program was only half way, or may be less.  All participants in the life drawing sessions were no longer clouded by their self-consciousness.  They loosened up.  They set new goals in every single drawing ... everyone surprised him/herself.  What did I do?  I facilitated the sessions, gave specifications to the model to pose, and instructions to students to draw.  I taught, shared a few tips here and there.  I walked to individual students to discuss their work with them.  My observations were appreciated, I felt.  At one point, I recalled my internship at SCAD - as if Prof Joy was watching me - the moment was sweet.  And I initiated peer critique sessions!  Offering some lead questions, I made them talk about their own art and processes.  I invited feedback from the floor.  Each critique session ended with a round of applause - a culture I so learned from Prof Sam which I successfully implemented here - artists learn to respect, receive and appreciate themselves and others - this I think is best.

Beep beep beep ... the timer went off at the last 15-min pose which everyone said was the hardest.  Time was long enough for a lot of information to go into the picture planes.  While everyone was diligently drawing, studying, exploring with different medium, marks and gestures, I suddenly saw a bigger picture of the future of these young, fearless, uncompromising, artists emerging.  Seeing all complete pieces of artwork on the easels, we all felt a strong sense of achievement.  The art room was instantly filled with joy, I mean real joy! 

I dwelt on the thought of what the successful and well respected portrait painter/master at AAU, Dr Sherrie McGraw, talked in her video about how her teaching has been such a vital feeder to her own art, to which she has devoted her life.  A voice within told me I was on the right track.  Nice. 

I smiled all the way home, enjoying the night scene of HK along the Eastern Corridor.